Marketing Mastermind

By Nicoline Schipper

Work constructively on your business, strategy, and marketing every month.

  • To grow and get more clients
  • To make things smarter and/or easier
  • To be more effective so that you see results
  • To increase your visibility
  • To present your story in a clear, powerful, and attractive way

    Available in English or Dutch
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Let's get you more clients.

Are you new in the area and do you need to get your foot on the ground in the Costa Blanca and get more clients?

This Marketing Mastermind is developed for you!


A Marketing Mastermind for entrepreneurs

Together we built your business and your marketing effectively. I coach you on strategy, on marketing, social media, positioning of your products and brands, sales and other relevant business topics.


1-to-1 Marketing Coaching Sessions

Personal 1-to-1 marketing sessions with Nicoline who has over 20 years of experience within the field of building businesses with a specialisation on strategy, marketing, communication and PR


Continuous Support

We also can have contact moments in between the sessions regarding questions about or ideas for or issues in your business.


Personalised program of several months

We work and built a minimum of 3 or 4 months (depends on programm you choose) together! After this period you can unsubscribe each month if you like to or chose to continue and keep working on a strong marketing awareness. When we continue to work together you get a loyalty bonus of 20% discount.

Marketing Mastermind

Every level has its devil

I know everyone is starting this entrepreneurial journey from different place. So whether you’re an starter with a great idea or already a successful business lady or man, there’s a monthly coaching plan for you.

Starting Blocks

For starters with a great idea

  • Monthly 1-to-1 coaching session
  • Monthly check-ins
  • Continuous Support via whatsapp coaching for in between questions


  • minimum 3 months
Sign me up

Business +++

For successful business ladies or men

  • Bi-Monthly 1-to-1 coaching session
  • Monthly check-ins
  • Continuous Support via whatsapp coaching for in between questions


  • minimum 4 months
Sign me up

Video's voor Ondernemers (nl)

- over mijn carrière
- over mij als coach
- over mijn coach traject en de retraites hier in Spanje

- over jouw goud herkennen als ondernemer
- over trots zijn op jezelf en jouw expert status uit stralen
- over mijn zojuist ontdekte goud en het nieuwe product dat gelijk daardoor 'geboren' werd.


- over het ondernemerschap

- over mogelijke struggles
- over zo binnen zo buiten

Meer videos vind je op mijn instagram pagina

Heb een vraag? Leuk! Plan hier geheel vrijblijvend een kenningsmakingsgesprek in!

What Others Say ...

"Very inspiring, you think along wonderfully and I find your advice/tips very helpful."

- Jiska Wind

"I found it to be a really great session! Our connection feels familiar and that benefits the work. I felt like we hit the ground running and discussed everything that can be addressed at this moment. Your tips are welcome and some have already been implemented. I am looking forward to our next session."

- Mina Grijpma

An Expert You Can Trust


  • Marketing Director L'Oréal Paris
  • Owner Marketing Communication Agency Amsterdam
  • Initiator Coaching Club
  • Dream hunter and NLP & Transformative Coach
  • Entrepreneur and Marketeer at heart
  • Worked on and launched more than 100 brands

Hola. Soy Nicoline.

I am a marketer through and through, and an entrepreneur at heart, having been active in marketing for many years. I worked at one of the most leading marketing organizations, L'Oréal, where I was a marketing director before running my own marketing, communication, and PR company in Amsterdam for over 10 years (which I have since sold).

Currently, I live in beautiful Spain where I work as a Transformative Business Coach. I do coaching programms for local entrepreneurs and I organise business events, retreats, and workations for people from abroad.

I am creative, goal-oriented, quick, and I love to think both creatively and strategically. Although I work fast, this does not come at the expense of quality. Everything I think of and build must, in my opinion, perfectly match the entrepreneur and her objectives.

I have had the incredible opportunity to help countless people and brands with their marketing and product offerings, and I still do this with a lot of pleasure because it truly is my passion, my zone of genius.

I look forward to doing this for you too!
Love, Nicoline 💋