Doorbreek je blokkades in 1,5 uur
in een date met jezelf
De dagen en weken vliegen voorbij. Je bent druk met van alles en iedereen, en je realiseert je dat de dromen die je aan het begin van het jaar nog wilde realiseren opnieuw op de achtergrond raken.
Tijd voor actie. Tijd voor een date met jezelf.
Laad jezelf op, doorbreek je blokkades en geef je jouw dromen en doelen de ruimte die zij (en jij!) verdienen.
Deze diep transformerende journey laat je voelen wat er allemaal mogelijk is!
Twee krachtige journeys, elk met een eigen focus, maar met hetzelfde doel:
ontspanning én jou in beweging zetten.
Een transformatie met hoge impact.
Een date met jezelf.
Een herverbinding met je lichaam en geest.
✨ 1. Pure Bliss – Hart connectie & pure bliss
Als je helder wilt voelen wat je wilt én moeiteloos de stappen zet om daar te komen.
✨ 2. Inner Liberation – Doorbreek beperkende patronen en innerlijke blokkades
Als je niet langer vast wilt zitten in oude patronen, twijfels of angst.
Kies de workshop (1 of 2) die past bij wat jij nú nodig hebt – of combineer ze voor een complete doorbraak.
Locatie: live online; from the comfort of your own home
👇 Bekijk de inhoud en beschikbare data hieronder.
🔹 Doorvoel je droomleven en stap in jouw ideale toekomst met een krachtige geleide meditatie en visualisatie oefening.
🔹 Ervaar pure bliss – Met ademwerk en gerichte oefeningen voel je een diepe staat van rust, en vrijheid en bliss die je hele wezen vult.
🔹 Hartconnectie – Laat ruis en beperkende gedachten los, open je hart en ervaar helderheid en diepe verbinding met jouw binnenwereld.
🔹 Van droom naar actie – Manifestatie ritueel ✨ Een moment van intentie, waarin mogelijkheden zich openen en de eerste beweging als vanzelf ontstaat.
🔹 Begrijp je brein – Ontdek waarom je vastzit in patronen en hoe je hieruit breekt. Je krijgt inzicht in de mechanismen van je brein die je onbewust tegenhouden.
🔹 Doorbreek blokkades - Ontdek welke beperkende overtuiging of angst jou ervan weerhoudt om jouw verlangens te verwerkelijken
🔹 Adem je vrij – Laat los wat je klein houdt zoals angsten of perfectionisme, zodat je ontspannen en in vol vertrouwen vooruit kan.
🔹 Van inzicht naar actie – Welke eerste, kleine stap kun je vandaag al zetten? En hoe zorg je ervoor dat je deze beweging vast blijft houden?
📅 Beschikbare data & inschrijven 👇
31 maart van 20:30uur
live online + terug te kijken
📅 Beschikbare data & inschrijven 👇
12 maart van 20:30uur
live online + terug te kijken
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I was desperate last week, angry at my body, frustrated, despondent, and so much more.
I didn't know what to do anymore.
Last night you helped me find peace, to look for a new goal because I didn't want to postpone the goal for my new business, my soul's mission. Last night, through your session, I made space, it's okay to push that back and now just to focus on good health. Trust in my body and self-love. To turn inward.
I had completely lost that since last week.
For the first time in 2 weeks, I slept well again, waking up refreshed. With peace, I finally see the future again with confidence and love.
It's so absurd that such moments bring insights into how important something can be for you, you have made me realize that I will attend such ceremonies more often in the coming time.
Please keep shining your light like you did yesterday evening! ❤️🌸 Know that what you do means a lot!"
- Preferably anonymous
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I attended Nicoline's session for the second time yesterday, and once again, it was an evening prepared with love and provided with a lot of intention and attention. In a beautiful space, with pleasant scents, music, and warmth, Nicoline guides you along the path of new intentions and healing. Highly recommended for anyone open to it."
- Mina Grijpma
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I really considered this a gift; you guided me through the evening with enthusiasm and calm. It was interesting that you told us more about the meaning of this moon phase. A blissful outdoor location with a breath of wind, the crickets, and the stars in the sky... How wonderful that sounds alone can give such nice physical tingles and sensations. A very pleasant experience. Looking forward to the next time! Greetings, Jeanette"
- Jeanette Prins
Tijd is kostbaar. Een gemiddeld leven heeft maar 4000 weken. Dus laat ze niet aan je voorbij razen maar pak nu de regie terug door de blokkades op te ruimen die je tegenhouden en
koers te zetten naar het leven waar je echt blij van wordt!
Days and weeks fly by. You're busy with everything and everyone, and you realize that the dreams you wanted to achieve at the beginning of the year are once again fading into the background.
It's time for action. Time for a date with yourself.
In just 1.5 hours, you recharge, break through blockages, and give your dreams and goals the space they (and you!) deserve.
This deeply transformative journey lets you feel what's all possible!
7 days not good = money back waranty*
Two powerful journeys, each with its own focus, but with the same goal:
Relaxation and setting you in motion.
A high-impact transformation.
A date with yourself.
A reconnection with your body and mind.
✨ 1. Pure Bliss – Heart connection & pure bliss
For when you want to clearly feel what you want and effortlessly take the steps to get there.
✨ 2. Inner Liberation – Break through limiting patterns and inner blockages
For when you no longer want to be stuck in old patterns, doubts, or fears.
Choose the workshop (1 or 2) that fits what you need right now – or combine them for a complete breakthrough.
Location: live online; from the comfort of your own home!
👇 View the content and available dates below.
🔹 Experience your dream life and step into your ideal future with a powerful guided meditation and visualization exercise.
🔹 Experience pure bliss – Through breathwork and focused exercises, feel a deep state of calm, freedom, and bliss that fills your entire being.
🔹 Heart connection – Let go of noise and limiting thoughts, open your heart, and experience clarity and deep connection with your inner world.
🔹 Manifestation ritual ✨ from dream to action – A moment of intention where possibilities open up and the first movement occurs naturally.
🔹 Understand your brain – Discover why you are stuck in patterns and how to break out of them. You will gain insight into the mechanisms of your brain that unconsciously hold you back.
🔹 Break through blockages - Discover which limiting belief or fear prevents you from realizing your desires.
🔹 Set yourself free by your Breath – Release what keeps you small, such as fears or perfectionism, so you can move forward relaxed and with full confidence.
🔹 From insight to action – What first, small step can you take today? And how do you ensure that you maintain this movement?
📅 Available date 👇
31 maart | 20:30uur
live online + replay
📅 Available date 👇
12 march | 20:30uur
live online + replay
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I was desperate last week, angry at my body, frustrated, despondent, and so much more.
I didn't know what to do anymore.
Last night you helped me find peace, to look for a new goal because I didn't want to postpone the goal for my new business, my soul's mission. Last night, through your session, I made space, it's okay to push that back and now just to focus on good health. Trust in my body and self-love. To turn inward.
I had completely lost that since last week.
For the first time in 2 weeks, I slept well again, waking up refreshed. With peace, I finally see the future again with confidence and love.
It's so absurd that such moments bring insights into how important something can be for you, you have made me realize that I will attend such ceremonies more often in the coming time.
Please keep shining your light like you did yesterday evening! ❤️🌸 Know that what you do means a lot!"
- Preferably anonymous
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I attended Nicoline's session for the second time yesterday, and once again, it was an evening prepared with love and provided with a lot of intention and attention. In a beautiful space, with pleasant scents, music, and warmth, Nicoline guides you along the path of new intentions and healing. Highly recommended for anyone open to it."
- Mina Grijpma
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
"I really considered this a gift; you guided me through the evening with enthusiasm and calm. It was interesting that you told us more about the meaning of this moon phase. A blissful outdoor location with a breath of wind, the crickets, and the stars in the sky... How wonderful that sounds alone can give such nice physical tingles and sensations. A very pleasant experience. Looking forward to the next time! Greetings, Jeanette"
- Jeanette Prins
Time is precious. An average life has only 4,000 weeks. So don't let them pass you by. Take back control now by clearing the blockages that hold you back and steering towards a life that truly makes you happy!
* Money waranty = within 7 days a request for a refund when not satisfied, money back with no questions asked
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